Over 0

Established companies

Over 0

People who work in the interport

Growing the Local Economy as a Key to Development

We want to contribute to the sustainable growth of the local economy, creating the conditions for the development of the Interporto Vespucci, compatible with the needs of the area by favouring the establishment of new companies in the Freight Village areas.

We recognise the value and importance, for our present and our future, of the companies established in our areas by committing to the development of quality services dedicated to the Interporto Vespucci Community.

Community-oriented Activities

  • We create opportunities to meet, discuss and learn, to enhance the value of our operators by fostering and creating networking and business opportunities

  • We promote partnerships for training and applied research activities aimed at creating a culture of improving professional skills and business processes through collaborations with local universities and training organisations

  • We create opportunities for events aimed at developing topics on security and sustainability in logistics activities

Community and Connection with the Territory – Core Interporto Values

Numerous initiatives support the territory to directly or indirectly create value for the area surrounding the Retro Porto.

For the local community, the presence of logistics infrastructure of international strategic importance represents a decisive resource for the creation of induced economic value and the possibility of global logistics connections.

In addition to the direct and induced benefits deriving from the Interporto’s activities, ITAV also engages in concrete actions to support the territory and its stakeholders.

Established Companies