Fire Station

The Collesalvetti Volunteer Fire Brigade Unit operates under the aegis of the Livorno Provincial Fire Brigade Command, with first responder skills in the municipality of Collesalvetti and support throughout the rest of the provincial territory.

Urgent technical rescue operations are carried out, in the event of any kind of fires, traffic accidents, rescuing of people and/or animals and support to other bodies and organisations.


Immediate Service, Directly at the Interporto

Since the creation of the Fire Station within the Amerigo Interporto Vespucci site, the service is even closer at hand for all industrial realities, ready to guarantee help when needed.

Some examples of operations to have occurred within the Amerigo Vespucci area include, in conjunction with teams from the Livorno and Pisa Commands and with air support from the national fleet, truck fires, accidents and overturning involving heavy vehicles along with vast vegetation fires.

In the near future, this station will be part of the Interporto’s General Safety Plan, managing the crisis room that will be set up soon.

Station Staff

The staff consists of volunteer team leaders who hold the rank of Judicial Police Officer, and Volunteer Fire Fighters, likewise authorised as Judicial Police Officers to be on equal footing with the tenured personnel whilst on duty.

Our Station is currently manned by around 40 fire fighters, including 4 volunteer team leaders, 5 Grade III and 2 Grade II drivers – numbers that are constantly increasing thanks to the courses provided by the Command.

Trained and Qualified Staff

Most personnel are also trained in First Aid Techniques, self-preservation in aquatic environments, SAF 1A rope rescue techniques and basic level NBCR (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, Radiological – Dangerous Substances) training, whilst the vehicles at our disposal are a water tanker and a CA/TSK off-road vehicle for forest fire-fighting, a truck with fire pump and trailers with a high-capacity water tanker and a smaller one for hydrogeological risk control.

All our personnel are required to undergo regularly-scheduled monthly theoretical and practical training to maintain operational requirements.