
Certified Weighing

The weighing of shipping containers became mandatory with the entry into force of the new amendment to the SOLAS Convention of July 2016.

To ensure the full continuity of the port’s operations and the maintenance of efficient and competitive conditions for containerised cargo traffic in the Port of Livorno, it was decided in agreement with the Livorno Port Authority to build a platform equipped for the certified weighing of containers within the Interporto.

Free Corporate Affiliations

The stipulation of an agreement, at no cost and non-binding, allows customers who so request to utilise the certified weighing facility 24/7, in complete autonomy, through the use of a customer identification code.

In any case, the operator remains on call H24, 7/7 should they be need.

Set Off Safely on Your Motorhome Holiday

To avoid any penalties, a weighing certificate can be issued in just 2 minutes.

  • 5 kilometres from the port of Livorno
  • Direct access to the FI-PI-LI freeway Interporto Ovest exit
  • 6 kilometres from the motorway exit
cross the Interporto weighbridge
around 0 vehicles per month

Why Choose our Weighing System

The certified weighing plant is located near the Interporto Ovest freeway junction for Florence-Pisa-Livorno (FI-PI-LI) and equipped with adequate space to conduct the weighing service.

The plant is operated availing of company personnel without the need for external intervention, being fully automated and functioning.

H24, 365 DAYS A YEAR

01. Localisation

02. Price

03. Automation

04. H24 service with assistance

Procedure for Other Vehicles

Customer Code
Vehicle number plate
Verified input data
Detected weight issued

SOLAS VGM (Verified Gross Mass) Weighing Procedure

Customer code
Container code
Engine plate number
Motor tare
Semi-trailer plate
Semi-Trailer tare
Litres of fuel
VGM Issuance

Book Now

For information and assistance:
Sig. Michele Fondelli
TEL: 345 3151211
Lun – Ven 8:30 -18:00 | Sab 7.30 – 13:00

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